S.No. Particulars Spread Rate [%]
1 Spread Rate of Poush End 2081 4.58 %
2 Spread Rate of Mangsir End 2081 4.57 %
3 Spread Rate of Kartik End 2081 4.57 %
4 Spread Rate of Ashwin End 2081 4.56 %
5 Spread Rate of Bhadra End 2081 4.56 %
6 Spread Rate of Shrawan End 2081 4.23 %
7 Spread Rate of Ashadh End 2081 4.58 %
8 Spread Rate of Jestha End 2081 4.58 %
9 Spread Rate of Baishak End 2081 4.55 %
S.No. Particulars Spread Rate [%]
1 Spread Rate of Chaitra End 2080 4.58 %
2 Spread Rate of Falgun End 2080 4.55 %
3 Spread Rate of Magh End 2080 4.57 %
4 Spread Rate of Poush End 2080 4.55 %
5 Spread Rate of Mangsir End 2080 4.57 %
6 Spread Rate of Kartik End 2080 4.58 %
7 Spread Rate of Ashwin End 2080 4.54 %
8 Spread Rate of Bhadra End 2080 4.58 %
9 Base Rate of Shrawan End 2080 4.58 %
10 Spread Rate of Ashadh End 2080 4.57 %
11 Spread Rate of Jestha End 2080 4.74 %
12 Spread Rate of Baishak End 2080 4.76 %
S.No. Particulars Spread Rate [%]
1 Spread Rate of Chaitra End 2079 4.78 %
2 Spread Rate of Falgun End 2079 4.84 %
3 Spread Rate of Magh End 2079 4.87 %
4 Spread Rate of Poush End 2079 4.5 %
5 Spread Rate of Mangsir End 2079 2.87 %
6 Spread Rate of Kartik End 2079 4.92 %
7 Spread Rate of Aswin End 2079 4.81 %
8 Spread Rate of Bhadra End 2079 4.24 %
9 Spread Rate of Ashad End 2079 4.88 %

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